Search Committee Updates for A New Executive Director

News & Announcements,
Letter to the VAM Membership - VAM Executive Director Search 


Greetings VAM Membership -


I’m following up on a communication sent by VAM President Karen L. Daly regarding the resignation of our Executive Director, Rick Hurley. We have spent some time since this announcement preparing for the VAM Executive Director search and are excited to share some key details with you that will guide our work as we move forward.


I’m honored to serve as Chair of the VAM Executive Director Search Committee alongside a group of talented and dedicated VAM Council members. The committee will be critical in leading our search process for the next Executive Director of VAM, ultimately recommending finalists to the VAM Council for approval. 


The entire search committee is listed below. I’m grateful for the time and dedication they will give to this process as we complete this vital work. 


  • Sam McKelvey: VAM Treasurer
    Executive Director, Fredericksburg Area Museum 

  • Colleen Higginbotham: VAM Director-At-Large
    Deputy Director for Visitor Services, Chrysler Museum 

  • Michael Plumb: VAM Director-At-Large
    Vice President for Guest Engagement, Virginia Museum of History & Culture 

  • Amanda Williams: VAM Director, Tidewater Region
    Director, MacArthur Memorial

  • Jeremy Ray - VAM Director-At-Large
    Senior Director of Interpretation, George Washington’s Mount Vernon 

  • Paige Gibbons Backus - VAM Vice President for Governance
    Historic Site Manager, Prince William County Historic Preservation 


We are currently in the beginning phase of this search process as we begin to organize ourselves as a Search Committee. We have spent time thus far developing a position profile and are excited to share it with you.


The Search Committee will begin reviewing applicants on September 15. The applicant review and interview process will continue throughout the fall. Our goal is to present successful candidates for full review and approval by the VAM Council before the end of the calendar year. Our goal will be to have the newly selected VAM Executive Director start in time to be an active part of moving VAM Back to the Future for our 2025 VAM Conference in Blacksburg, VA. 


You as a member of VAM will play an essential part in this process. We would love for you to use your networks to share the position profile and encourage candidates to seek the position. You can share the position profile directly with those you know or reach out to me or a member of the Search Committee directly to suggest potential candidates. We also would love for you to share your thoughts on the qualities that make for a successful Executive Director of VAM. You can do so at Your feedback is essential to this process and VAM’s future.


I’m excited for us to get this search process underway. I look forward to keeping you updated as we move forward. Thank you for supporting VAM and our museum community.


In Faithful Service,


Cameron Patterson

Chair, VAM Executive Director Search Committee

Secretary, VAM Council