VAM Annual Awards
2025 nominations are closed
This award will be given each year at the annual conference to a museum that demonstrates a commitment to use their platform as a trusted source of information to build relationships with and create meaningful impact within their community, and begin conversations around important topics affecting the museum field and the world at large. In each area, a successful nomination will include evidence of the impact that the museum’s innovative programs have had in furthering any of these areas.
Learn more about the Innovation Award Program.
Museum educators are the primary contact between museums and the K-12 school audience, and they provide critical services within the museum community that support the state’s educational goals, teacher education, and student connections to our history and heritage. The co-sponsors of this award have created it in order to recognize outstanding achievement in museum education by an individual working on behalf of their organization to create exceptional experiences for school-aged visitors.
Learn more about the Virginia Museum Educator Award Program.
The Ann Brownson Award can be given annually to an individual who has given outstanding service to the Virginia museum community and to the Virginia Association of Museums. It was established in 1999 by the Council of the Virginia Association of Museums to honor the service and accomplishments of Ann Brownson, who provided spirited and committed leadership as a member of the VAM Council from 1991-1999 and also served on the boards of many museums and cultural organizations throughout the Commonwealth.