Information about the districts will change in the fall.
Advocacy is... Important.
Advocacy means actively supporting your museum, gallery, historic site, nature, or science center.
Advocacy brings museum professionals to the table when decisions are made about funding, regulations, public policy, and taxes – all of which affect our institutions every day.
Local government, the General Assembly, and Congress make decisions that affect our organizations. Let's make sure we're at the table with them!
Why do we need to Advocate?
Our state representatives believe in museums, and how important they are--but they need us to share stories and statistics with them to help them make their case:
"As a frequent museum visitor, and former museum employee, I know how important the work and presence of museums in our communities are. Museums can provide many enjoyable hours of learning and entertainment for citizens of all ages and from walks of life.”
- Delegate Betsy Carr, 78th House District.
Advocacy is... Information.
You have the right, and the duty, to talk to your elected officials about issues affecting your museum. They need to know the good work you do, and what you need to continue that work. It is as straightforward as a conversation.
Advocacy is... Not Lobbying.
Educating legislators and regulators about issues affecting your museum is not prohibited by law and will not endanger your nonprofit status. You have a right to advocate on behalf of a cause you believe in.
It’s how our democracy works, and our legislators and elected officials need information to help them make difficult decisions. Help give them that information.