Virginia Certificate in Museum Management

Educate on your terms.

Continuing education with impact.

The beginning of your career network.

The Virginia Certificate in Museum Management provides a comprehensive understanding of various facets of museum management, including collections care, education and outreach, exhibitions, external relations, internal affairs, human resources, as well as career development. The program was created to provide high-level, easily accessible professional growth to career-minded museum staff and volunteers.

students posed for a picture

    SAmple of a Successful Final Project Proposal

If you are a current student, please fill out the applicable forms below.

Virginia Certificate in Museum Management Forms

Non-partner Credit Fulfillment Form

If you are completing a workshop that is not run by VAM or one of our partners, please use this form to record your credit. All non-partner credit requests go through our certificate review committee. If you have questions about whether a non-partner workshop will count, please email

Final Project Proposal Form

You may propose a final project anytime after completing at least 8 of your 10 core curriculum credits. Before you complete your proposal form, these instructions can help you understand what the review committee is looking for.

If you have any questions, please contact us.