Photo of Stratford Hall

Stratford Hall

Terrie McKenzie Office Assistant
Alex Withers Director of Business Operations
Alicia Salyer Director of Finance
Anne Wilson Director, Marketing & Communications
Betsy Feezell Gift Shop Manager
Christina O'Neill
Christina O'Neill Senior Development Officer
Gordon Steffey Director of Research & Library Collections
Judith Hynson Retired Director of Research & Library
Karen Daly
Karen Daly President
Kelley Deetz
Kelley Deetz Vice President of Collections & Public Engagements
Kelly Childress Director of Education
Laura Fortsch Vice President of Development
Lesley Brooks Hospitality Manager
Lisa Manderson Preservation Technician
Mary Bowman Education & Outreach Coordinator
Matt Peterschmidt Director of Landscapes & Security
Matt Torres Program Coordinator
Phil Mark Director of Preservations & Maintenance
Regina Pitts Development Operations Manager
VAM Logo Leadership

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