Join the 1st VAM Member Meet Up for 2024

Posted By: Kristina Boodram News & Announcements,

Calling all VAM members! We are thrilled to announce an upcoming MeetUp at Tudor Place in D.C. on June 10 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM.  Members can meet new museum professionals and will have the exclusive opportunity to go behind-the-scenes of their newest exhibition, Ancestral Spaces: People of African Descent at Tudor Place. Museum professionals are a hard working bunch, so VAM offers opportunities throughout the year for members and friends to gather, learn, and mix and mingle. MeetUps are special opportunities for members of VAM to go behind-the-scenes at some of our favorite sites.

We are thrilled that we’ve just re-instituted our DC-focused representation on the VAM Board. Callie Hawkins from Lincoln’s Cottage is serving in that capacity, and she’ll be there at Tudor Place. This regional focus initiative aims to provide support and resources to all the diverse regions of Virginia, ensuring that every area is represented and supported within our association. 

As part of your membership benefits, we encourage you to attend and take advantage of the networking and learning opportunities provided. More info about VAM Membership is online here: and our Membership Coordinator Whitney Royster is available to answer any questions you may have.