Webinar: Launching Live Virtual Tours with Monticello
Event Details
Webinar: Launching Live Virtual Tours at Monticello
Four days before Monticello closed to the public due to COVID19, Monticello Education staff began working feverishly to get a Live Virtual tour developed and implemented. The tour launched the first day the museum was closed to the public. Drawing on experience with prior digital online programming, and using readily available equipment, Monticello staff have delivered roughly 200 Live Virtual Tours while the site has been closed to the public.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Melanie Bowyer, Manager of Digital Learning, and Carrie Soubra, Digital Learning Coordinator, about how they developed and launched Monticello’s Live Virtual program.
Topic: VAM Webinar - Live Virtual Tours at Monticello
Time: Jun 11, 2020 11:00 AM EST
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